Hello Debatable Lands! Salve Accolens!
We had an amazing time at the Baronial Social yesterday, with many thanks to THL Ceindrech and her staff (see her previous post today), and the folks that jumped in to help with our Court: Master Emrys, Carl, Lady Fine, Elle, and Lord Turlough. And a big welcome to all our newcomers!
As you may have heard, we made an important announcement yesterday in our Court:
It is our intention, that at approximately this time next year (Sept/Oct 2023) you, our beloved Barony, will be welcoming new faces to Baronial thrones.
We are stepping down as Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands in about a year, and have initiated the beginning of our election process.
Our Seneschal and the election committee (formed at the Oct business meeting on 10/5) will communicate further in the next couple of weeks, and will keep you updated throughout the process via our electronic outlets. The nomination meeting will occur in November at our social meeting, date TBD. In the meantime, those curious may wish to read the election section of our Baronial Policies, found at www.debatablelands.org.
It’s an exciting time for our Barony indeed! We look forward to the coming months, and to chatting with those interested in running in the election. Feel free to reach out to us on the matter anytime!
In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda