So long and thanks for all the fishes…

Sharing my thoughts after Debatable Lands Twelfth Night; my final event as Baronial Seneschal.

This event … my final in service as the Seneschal of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands; Four years is a very long time for all of you to put up with me and suffer through my difficult work schedule. You have shown me every kindness and lifted up our group even in the most challenging situations; not even plague was able to kill your spirit of service and dedication to each other! We have grown in our awareness of each others comfort and found ways to make our Barony more welcoming, more aware, more accessible, and just all around kinder. There are not words enough to express my gratitude.

Your Officers are taking steps to bring in new ideas and easier methods to do the necessary mundane things in the most advanced technology! The Group has collectively been made up of more and more newer faces and each of our Business Meetings has seen an increase in the members of the populace taking an interest in how things are running.

You have found more ways to do Art and Science! I didn’t know that the report could continue to three pages… but you’ve even grown past that. The caliber of work, the documentation, the beauty and the joy… it seems you’ve found endless supplies of inspiration.

Our Archers have proven their aim and arms are not stretched only to the target but also to service! The Skyguard has been an ever present force anywhere and everywhere they have been needed. Ever aimed towards the next highest star. You are incredible.

Our Throwers have welcomed faces off the street to our Dream bringing in more and more new people who have become dear friends. They prove that each of us is a chatelaine and secretly longs to throw axes.

Our Heavy Fighters and Fencers have grown in number at practice and soon we may be legions! Your enthusiasm and prowess continue to grow. You welcome all that come and each week I see those newest faces and those most senior laughing; pausing to give constructive feedback and share smiles. Your courtesy on the field of battle shows bonds of siblings and makes me proud to be among your numbers.

Each and every one of you has stepped up to serve Our Barony in ways small and seemingly unnoticed or in grand ways that could not go unseen. You are doers and dreamers who have pushed Our Home to do better, who have sometimes challenged each other to Be Better, and who have certainly made me stretch and grow to keep up with you.

What I am saying is; I am happy to see the end of my term arrive but only because each and every one of you has made it a true honor to serve. I am confident that the Debatable Lands remains a thriving force for positive change and will continue to show compassion and thoughtful judgement. I am blessed to call you my chosen family and friends. I could not be more proud of you.

Thank you for sharing The Dream with me and for trusting me with Our Home and Your Friendships.

Lastly, Thank you to Her Ladyship Ceindrech verch Elidir who has served as my deputy, sounding board, second brain, sanity check, kick in the tuchus, extra hands and legs, and very dear friend. And most especially thank her for her willingness to step into the role of Seneschal. I know she will help us grow and change and stretch. Not only that, she will do so with kindness and caring. Vivat Ceindrech! Vivat Debatable Lands!

In Service,
