50 years as a Barony – Let’s have a Party

April 6th was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands. To celebrate, we are planning a birthday party full of tournaments, displays, history, food and drink, entertainment, and a cookie table. We invite our populace, our friends, and neighbors to share the day with us. The birthday party will be held on Saturday May 25th at the barn at Old Economy, 5 Forcey Drive, Baden, PA 15005. The site is open from 9am to 9pm. Troll will close at 2pm.

Baronessa Violeta and Praetoria Prima want to choose their heavy, fencing, archery, and thrown weapons baronial champs that day. We are welcoming everyone to participate in the tournaments, but the winner of each tournament must be able and willing to be the barony champion at the Seven Pearls event.

In addition to the martial competitions, there is a Arts and Sciences display. See the post from Lady Elinor Walden.

We plan to have some birthday games, a sing-a-long, fabric dyeing, and a birthday pageant.

We plan to have a history display with video, pictures, memorabilia, and plenty of people with lots of stories about the good ole days. For all the retired officers, barons, baronesses, champs, and long time participants we welcome you to come and share your stories.

Now with all this activity you might work up quite a hunger and thirst. Not to worry. Master Alastar Scott MacCrummin and the Honorable Lady Elss of Augsburg have been planning a day of food from morning to evening. Our brewers are planning to ensure that we do not go thirsty.

See the event announcement http://bmdl.org/events/2024-05-25%20Debatable%20Lands%2050th%20Birthday.php We will post more information as we make our detailed plans and have a schedule.

We look forward to seeing you at the celebration of 50 years of hard work and good fun.