Letter from the Outgoing Seneschal

Unto the good populace of the Barony, greetings from Master Alaric!

By the time you read this missive my term as Seneschal will have ended and the Barony will be in the capable hands of my successor, Mistress Odriana. It has been a pleasure to represent you as your Seneschal over the past few years. You are the best Barony in the Known World!

I have had the opportunity to learn more about the SCA and to stretch my boundaries. While I can’t list everyone’s name, I would like to especially thank Baroness Alex, THLady Muirgheal, Mistress Cori, and Duke Christopher who served as the regional and kingdom seneschals during my term. Your guidance and sounding boards were much appreciated and valued. To my predecessor, Mistress Hilderun, who set a great example for me to follow. To Baron Liam, Baroness Constance, and all the Officers … thank you for your service and gentle reminders to me when I missed something needed to be done.

And finally my thanks to the populace of the Barony, Canton and College. You guys are great! I am sure you will give my successor the same support that you have given me.

In Service,

New Arts and Sciences Champion

Their Excellencies, the Baron and Baroness of these Debatable Lands, write:

We are very pleased to announce your new Arts & Sciences Champion: The Honorable Lord Kieran MacRae! His well-researched and documented Calligraphy entry was skillful and impressive (oh, the cadels!), and we are confident that he will represent you well during his time.

Winner of the populace choice prize, as well as serving as THL Kieran’s second, is Duchess Siobhan, whose Finnish spiral embroidery also showcased her skill in creating and researching her art.

We’d like to acknowledge all 16 entries… the beauty and caliber of the art displayed and performed was simply stunning, Debatable Lands, your skill and love of your art is the finest in the Kingdom, and your display Saturday rivaled even the Kingdom Champs competitions. It was an incredibly difficult choice. Whoever has pics, please post here!

Also, in case you missed it (and there was a lot of snow), at Debatable Lands’ 12th Night in January, two other new Champions were chosen by Their Excellencies Liam and Constance, in kind consultation with us. The Honorable Lady Bugga Billibit is your new Bardic Champion, and Master Bovi farmadr is your new Brewing Champion (man, that was some delicious drink!).


Youth Fighter Practice at Muster

Mistress Arianna writes:

Attention Youth fighters – this Sunday’s practice is being held in
conjunction with the the St. Valentine’s Day Muster at Marshall Elementary School, 5135 Wexford Run Rd, Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090. Map: https://goo.gl/maps/hbUcM82Ngtz

NOTE SCHEDULE: Youth Fighting runs from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Adult heavy fighting runs until 5:00 pm.

This will be a great opportunity for youth fighters to fight adults as we will be authorizing/reauthorizing a whole lot of sparring marshals from around the kingdom.

New youth fighters are also welcome; there will be loaner gear.

See you there!

Open Table Scriptorium

The Baronial Signet writes:

Scriptorium will be held at my home in Hampton Township THIS WEDNESDAY
Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 6:00P and will end at 8:00P.

For those of you unfamiliar with what a Scriptorium is:
A scriptorium [plural: scriptoria], in the context of the Middle Ages, is a room in a monastery set aside for the copying, writing, or illuminating of manuscripts and records. In the SCA it is where those who are participating in the Scribal arts meet in an informal setting to learn together and share each other’s company.

The class for the Scriptorium on 24 February 2016 will be “Attavanti Made Easy” taught by THL Rachael Daliceaux. The class description is:
Easy shading and design tricks to get those perfect “mirror image” acanthus leaves and jewels to POP off the page. If you can free-hand a few acanthus leaves, draw a circle and can make a thin line with a brush, you already have all the skills you need. Please bring your own paints and brushes, as well as a fine lead mechanical pencil. By the end of the class everyone will produce a scroll blank in the style of the panels found in the artwork of Attavante degli Attavanti.

We have dogs and cats. Please medicate appropriately.

For more information and for directions to my home, please contact me by either replying to this email address (jenn dot strobel at gmail dot com) or by giving me a call/text at [phone number in the dark pages].

I look forward to seeing people there.


Investiture Clean Up: Volunteers Needed!

Kameshima-shichi-i Zentarō Umakai writes:

Next weekend, as you all know, we will be celebrating the well-earned retirement of our Baron Uilliam and Baroness Constance and the investiture of Brandubh and Hilderun! Once again, our host will be the United Universalist Church of the North Hills, a site that we use frequently and with which we have cultivated an excellent working relationship. Key to this relationship is the fact that we always leave the site in  exquisitely clean condition.

I have been given the honor of ensuring that this precedent remains intact after the upcoming event. But to do that, I will need your help!

If you are willing to stay after the event and help return the site to at least as good condition as we found it, please contact me at this email address and let me know. If we get a good crew together, it should only take about an hour, and you will be helping to make sure that we can continue to use this site in the future. Thank you in advance for volunteering to help your Barony.