Baronial Court Report – Fight Practice April 2, 2022

Here begins the Court Report of Their Excellencies, Brandubh et Hilderun, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, for the Special Practice on the 2nd of April, AS 56. Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant, reporting. Jehannette Bouchart seconded.

Their Excellencies offered sincerest of greetings to all present, thanked Their Majesties for making the day possible, and special 40th birthday wishes to Lord Reinhardt Regenbogen.

Their Excellencies invited Lady Forveleth Dunde to come forward. For her work being zoom deputy, scribe, weaver, deputy A&S minister, and current exchequer, she was awarded a Gold comet. Scroll by THL Shirin of Susa, wording by Master Alaric MacConnal.

Their Excellencies next invited THL Sumayya al Ghaziyya to join them. Though Sumayya lives beyond the borders of the Debatable Lands now, she still serves in ways that benefit our great Barony as Kingdom social media deputy, AElive staff, and zoomerator. For such, she was awarded a Cometus Amicus. Scroll by Lady Forveleth.

THL Robert Pour Maintenant was summoned next by Their Excellencies. His service as Knight Marshal being acknowledged as good and fine work, They wished to recognize his renewed focus on prowess on the field in armor, and was awarded an Iron Comet. Scroll by Scribal West and THL Nicola Beese.

Their Excellencies next asked Master William de Montegilt to join them. Long has he been a fighter of and for these Debatable Lands. Lonnnnnnnnng, indeed, which inspired Their Excellencies to award him a well deserved Iron Comet. Scroll by Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope.

Lady Vika Vyborgskaia was next invited to join Their Excellencies. Her service as MoL, training newer MoLs, helping the Stellar Tournaments run smoothly, has greatly benefited the fighting community and pleased Their Excellencies, so she was awarded a Gold Comet. Scroll by Lady Tierrany Rose, wording by Master Alaric.

Their Excellencies then asked THL Boden the Lost to cut in front of the line and be recognized for his prowess within the Debatable Lands and as one of its noble fighters. Thus he was awarded an Iron Comet. Scroll on self-flattened sheep parchment by THL Nicola.

Her Excellency Hilda then asked for all of the staff who made this Practice run so smoothly to stand and be individually recognized: THLord Guillaume le Noir, Baroness Gabriel de Winter, Lady Forveleth Dunde, Lady Niamh O’Labhadha, Master Alaric MacConnal, Baron Brandubh O’Donnghaile, THLord Boden the Lost, Master Jacob Martinson, Baroness Muirgheal inghen Dubhghaill, Lady Vika Vyborgskaia, and Lord Niall Mac Raedwulf.

The scribes who contributed wording and scrolls to the baronial awards that were given out this Practice were called to receive tokens of appreciation from Their Excellencies.

Their Excellencies gave final thanks to all who attended and enjoyed themselves. The Court of Their Excellencies was then closed.

Q1 Newsletter is up!

Greetings from your new Chronicler!

The latest edition of the Althing, our Baronial newsletter, is now available on the website:

In it you’ll find letters from our Baronage and Seneschal, the financial report from last year, and the latest guidance regarding current COVID policies. If you have any sort of position within the barony, please take a moment to check that you are listed correctly at the end of the newsletter, under the right position and with the proper spelling of your name. If you think you should be on there and aren’t (or shouldn’t be on there and are!), my apologies, please email me at so that I may rectify it in our next issue! Many thanks to Skjoldr for his years of service as the prior Chronicler and for his help in transitioning the position.

Occasionally photographs from events, demos or practices may be published in the Althing. If you DO NOT want a photograph of you to appear or have specific instructions like “back is fine but not my face”, please contact me privately so that I can endeavor to honor your preferences.

As a reminder, anyone can submit articles or artwork to the Althing and I welcome any content relevant to the SCA! I crave content. Send me stuff, please! Anything received by the 15th of March, June, September or December will be published in that quarter’s Althing.

In Service and Song,

Debatablelands Business Meeting 4/6/2022 – VIRTUAL

Greetings Noble Populace,

Our Bi-Monthly meeting to discuss the Business of making the Barony run is tomorrow at 8:30 PM.

The Populace Access to minutes and agendas is here

Topic: Debatable Lands Business Meeting
Time: Apr 6, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 2330 7707
Passcode: 602958
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Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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Meeting ID: 876 2330 7707
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Request for Budget Items

We are working on the Baronial budget for the next year! If you can think of anything you want to purchase in the next twelve months, please send a request to This includes everyone but especially officers, people who lead guilds, etc. Thank you!

Practice April 3rd

Heavy practice and fencing will be held this Sunday, April 3rd at our winter site:
Ace Axe Throwing
(412) 368-8579
Parking is allowed in the Aldi’s lot behind the building. We will have the 5th floor.

***This will be our last scheduled practice at this site for the season. Weather permitting, we will be returning to the Washington Blvd site next week. If we have enough advanced warning of inclement weather, sites may change. Look here for notifications.***

Practice will be held 11am to 3pm

Loaner gear for heavy will be available upon request. Please let me know ahead of time if you need anything.

All persons attending will need to provide either proof of vaccination, or a negative covid test done within the prior 72 hours. Due to our county’s transmission rate status, vaccinated attendees may go without masks. If you have any questions regarding these policies, you can reach out to the Seneschal, or me.

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.