Greetings to the Barony!
The Althing, our Baronial Newsletter, is published once a quarter and accepts content submissions of any nature that would be of interest to members of the Barony from anyone who wishes to contribute. You don’t have to be an officer, you don’t have to be a paid member, you don’t even have to live in the Debatable Lands. Pennsic shenanigans, upcoming events, cool new stuff you’ve done and want to show off, anything is welcome. Please send submissions to my personal email silencethebard [at] gmail for the time being as we’re still ironing out some delivery hiccups for the official chronicler address.
The deadline this month is September 16, one week from today!
In Service and Song,
Silence, Chronicler
Tag: Althing
Third Quarter Althing
The third quarter Althing is now live maybe found on our website or clicking on the following link:
Althing 2017 A&S issue now available!
The Chronicler has provided us with a new issue of the Althing, and it is a revival of the concept of an Arts and Sciences issue! Please visit the Althing page on the web site and follow the instructions to download your copy of our Baronial newsletter!