Greetings to the Barony!
The Althing, our Baronial Newsletter, is published once a quarter and accepts content submissions of any nature that would be of interest to members of the Barony from anyone who wishes to contribute. You don’t have to be an officer, you don’t have to be a paid member, you don’t even have to live in the Debatable Lands. Pennsic shenanigans, upcoming events, cool new stuff you’ve done and want to show off, anything is welcome. Please send submissions to my personal email silencethebard [at] gmail for the time being as we’re still ironing out some delivery hiccups for the official chronicler address.
The deadline this month is September 16, one week from today!
In Service and Song,
Silence, Chronicler
Tag: Newsletters
Latest Althing is available!
Greetings to the Barony! The latest edition of the Althing, our baronial newsletter, has just gone live and is available at:
Highlights in this issue include a bold and dynamic recounting of the most recent Sky List Tournament, letters from both our Baronage and Seneschale, and a few barony-specific things not to miss at Pennsic. Please remember your poor, content-starved Chronicler as you have your magnificent adventures at War and consider submitting an article or two about your favorite things that happened. Anything SCA-related is appropriate, be it event write-ups, photography, recipes, songs or poetry, articles about your latest fun research, pretty much anything goes. And anyone is eligible to submit content, you don’t even have to be a paid member! If it’s worth posting to a blog or doing a Facebook write-up post about it, it’s probably worth submitting to your local newsletter. Deadline for content for the next issue will be September 15th.
In Service and Song,
Silence, Chronicler
June Aestel: By the Numbers
Greetings, Good Barony and beyond, from Gwendolyn the Graceful!
The June issue of the Aestel has arrived on the membership portal, so it’s time for a few fun notes. This is part of my continuing series of newsletter spotlights.
2: Board of Directors nominees from AEthelmearc (Vivant!)
2: Important activities at Pennsic which were announced in TRMs’ letter to the populace (Party on!)
1: The number of officers who had reported rules revisions to the kingdom Seneschal as of publication (Affectionate side-eye)
9: Events listed in the calendar for June (Wow!)
7: Events with announcements included in the newsletter (Woo!)
And 2: Kingdom arms featured on the cover! (Vivat, Eastrealm)
Members, check out this month’s information at the SCA website. Thanks as always to our Kingdom Chronicler, THL Aine, who labors each month to assemble this publication.
Until next time, I remain,
Ever in Service,
Newsletter Quiz!
From Gwendolyn the Graceful, Brehyres, Greetings!
In this digital age, it is relatively easy to find out about upcoming events, deadlines, and other important activities, without reading our newsletters. But sometimes, information in the publications is not easily found elsewhere. And even if it is, the newsletter is a handy way to quickly catch up on the important notices and happenings in our lands.
For example, did you know that recently, His Grace, Duke Christopher, posted information about the Board soliciting feedback on new policies regarding hate speech? Did you know that AEthelmearc was well-represented in the Blackfox Award nominations? You would if you’d read the newsletter!
To encourage us all (me included!) to remember to check out our Kingdom and Baronial newsletters, I am going to try to post shortly after their publication dates with fun challenges. They may be treasure hunts, quizzes, or other kinds of reports. Some will be interactive and some may be notices of tidbits that might be of interest. Both the AEstel and the Althing will be included as they come out.
These games are for glory, amusement, and absolutely no prizes whatsoever! There are no losers! The fun is in finding the answers for yourselves.
So, here is the first installment: a trivia quiz on the most recent AEstel (May 2018):
- What is depicted in the cover photo? (Bonus: which gentle took the photo?)
- There is an officer accepting letters of interest for a deputy position, which are due on May 1. Which Great Officer is it, what is the position being sought, and who is the person holding that post now?
- When will the Kingdom Youth Championship tourney be held?
- How many event announcements are posted in the May AEstel? (Bonus: How many of them are *not* Royal Progress events?)
- How many events are listed on the At-a-Glance page?
My hope is that these questions pique curiosity and foster discussion, particularly of events we might not be aware of because they are not RP’s or they are out of region, or both!
Most importantly, I hope these little teasers inspire y’all to check out the newsletters and keep current!
We’ll do this again soon!