Greetings, Good Barony and beyond, from Gwendolyn the Graceful!
The June issue of the Aestel has arrived on the membership portal, so it’s time for a few fun notes. This is part of my continuing series of newsletter spotlights.
2: Board of Directors nominees from AEthelmearc (Vivant!)
2: Important activities at Pennsic which were announced in TRMs’ letter to the populace (Party on!)
1: The number of officers who had reported rules revisions to the kingdom Seneschal as of publication (Affectionate side-eye)
9: Events listed in the calendar for June (Wow!)
7: Events with announcements included in the newsletter (Woo!)
And 2: Kingdom arms featured on the cover! (Vivat, Eastrealm)
Members, check out this month’s information at the SCA website. Thanks as always to our Kingdom Chronicler, THL Aine, who labors each month to assemble this publication.
Until next time, I remain,
Ever in Service,