Greetings to the Barony! The latest edition of the Althing, our baronial newsletter, has just gone live and is available at:
Highlights in this issue include a bold and dynamic recounting of the most recent Sky List Tournament, letters from both our Baronage and Seneschale, and a few barony-specific things not to miss at Pennsic. Please remember your poor, content-starved Chronicler as you have your magnificent adventures at War and consider submitting an article or two about your favorite things that happened. Anything SCA-related is appropriate, be it event write-ups, photography, recipes, songs or poetry, articles about your latest fun research, pretty much anything goes. And anyone is eligible to submit content, you don’t even have to be a paid member! If it’s worth posting to a blog or doing a Facebook write-up post about it, it’s probably worth submitting to your local newsletter. Deadline for content for the next issue will be September 15th.
In Service and Song,
Silence, Chronicler