Call For Letters: A+S Minister

Greetings Debatable Lands, from your Arts and Sciences Minister.

My term comes to an end this February. I am fully willing to commit to a second 2-year term, but I am required by courtesy and policy to request letters. If you are interested in being the next Minister of Arts and Sciences, please send a letter of intent to myself and the office of the Seneschal by January 31st, 2023.

This office is the best office in the Barony. There is all kinds of leeway to try new things in your pursuit of supporting arts, crafts, and research in the Barony. It’s still difficult to feel connected with the SCA at this point, so anything you have the energy to do to bring others together will certainly be appreciated. I have some things I’m still itching to implement, but new ideas are always welcome.

It has been my pleasure to serve you for the last year and ten months. I hope to continue and to up my game with more service for the next two years. However, more choice is always a good thing! Please submit your letters if you would like your chance sooner rather than later.

Call for Letters – Chatelaine

Greetings fine Barony!

After four years serving this wonderful Barony, it is time for me to step down as your Chatelaine. I am officially calling for letters and requesting that letters be sent to me (chatelaine at and the Seneschal (seneschal at by June 1, 2020.

The job of Chatelaine is rewarding and fun. Duties include (but are not limited to) welcoming newcomers, connecting them with others doing things of interest to the newcomer and coordinating demos. Should you have questions about the duties associated with this position, please email me at chatelaine at

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the Barony. I am thankful and grateful that I was blessed with the support of my deputy, Lord Ronan O’Conell.

Again, the deadline for letters is June 1, 2020 and voting will be at the June 3rd business meeting.

Thank you all for your time and for allowing me to be your Chatelaine for the last four years.

Lady Elizabeth “Libby” Parker