On behalf of Yuengerz of House Clovenshield:
Greetings, I am pleased to inform you all that the BMDL has once again been invited to marche in the Pittsburgh St Patrick’s Day Parade. Grab your garb, don your armor and come down to help represent the Barony.
The float is still the same as above (upgrade ideas always welcome). We march, we show off our garb and our crafts and when the parade slows up a bit, our armored fighters give the crowds a heck of a display. Last year the AE Crowned Prince fought almost every step of the way and the crowds went crazy.
We start on Liberty Ave, the exact cross street will be given to us in about 2 weeks. The route is about 1 1/2 miles to the Blvd at Stanwix.
There is space on the trailer so you don’t have to walk the whole way.
Children are welcome. Boffers, too.
Garb is required. Armor is optimal. Fighting demos in front of hundreds of rowdy spectators is quite the rush.
Come on and join the fun.
Also, for those who use the Facebook, Yuengerz has created an event here: