From Lady Zianna. If you only read one post about the demo, please pay attention to this one:
Tomorrow – Tomorrow – the Demo is Tomorrow!!!
I need to stress the following information….PLEASE FOLLOW THESE FEW RULES!!!!!
- Parking for us is in the BUS/GROUP parking lot. That is the lot that is between the Red SportsWork Building and the Casino. It is the closest to our entrance. You can park in the other lots but know that is much further to walk to get into the Science Center.
- If you are pn North Shore Drive with Hienz Field on your left and the Science Center in front of you and slightly right – TURN RIGHT ONTO CASINO DRIVE. You are following the arrows on the small red sign for BUS Entrance/Deliveries.
- Once on Casino Drive you will turn at the next Red sign that says BUS ENTRANCE/Deliveries. Follow around and through the parking gates.
- If you need to drop items off – please follow the delivery arrow and go slightly right to the loading dock.
- If you need to park – please follow the parking area and go slightly left and find a spot to park in, There are designated handicapp spots there.
- You will be given a parking validation ticket when you leave the science center. This will make the parking FREE. YOU MUST KEEP THE TICKET YOU GOT WHEN ENTERING.
- For FREE Parking – put your entry ticket into the machine – then put in the validation ticket when asked for payment. The gates will open.
Entering and exiting the Science Center:
We can enter as early as 4pm to start setting up.
- You MUST enter through the Security Entrance by the loading dock area.
- You MUST be on my list
- I can take additions up until 4pm on Friday
- You will load in and out through this area.
- There are a few flatbed carts and a frieght elevator to use to get materials to other floors.
- There will be an SCA contact and a Science Center contact at the entrance at all times.
- Each floor will have a SCA contact person that will be able to assist with things on that floor.
- You MUST be on my list
- You MUST be in GARB!
- There will be a SMALL changing area for us.
- You MUST sign the SCA Waiver!
- You MUST exit through this entrance to get your parking validation ticket.
I want to thank everyone in advance for making this evening an amazing event. Your help – your willingness – your passion – your support makes our game – our hobby – our organization one of the best in the WORLD!!!
One last thing – – HAVE FUN!!!!!!
See you tomorrow