Woodworking Guild Thursday

Life after banner stands! The banner stand project is done, and we still have some time before Pennsic to work on other things. We scheduled a workshop day for July 14th to work on things you need for Pennsic, so what do you need?

Banner poles drying in Ishiyama’s workshop

Come in out of the rain, get a hot mug of tea, and chat about woodworking. There are a bunch of things you could make with just one day in the shop, so what do you want to make and where do we want to work? Do you have any questions or updates about your personal projects to share? Join us at the Oakland Panera from 7pm to 9pm on Thursday, June 20th. If you need help finding us in the Panera or have any other questions, contact woodworking at debatablelands dot org

Author: Woodworking Guild

The current custodian of the Debatable Lands Woodworking Guild account is Ishiyama Shônagon.