Greetings Beloved Barony!
At this time the SCA Corporate Offices have noted a sharp decline in memberships as many expiring members have chosen not to renew. This is putting financial hardships on the SCA Office and Officers. We understand that this may be due to personal financial hardships, as we know that many of you have lost jobs, or seen reductions in your incomes due to the current world wide COVID Crisis. We seek to ease some of that burden.
Several local members have contacted The Baron and Baroness that they wish to donate money anonymously to help local members renew their memberships. If money is tight and you need a hand, or even if you just have lapsed or will soon and was putting off renewing until events resume, we have people who are interested in helping in these uncertain times. Their Majesties, as well, have received many offers to sponsor memberships.
Her Excellency and I are interested in coordinating between those who have offered support and any who would be interested in the help. So please if you are interested in a free membership renewal please contact me so that we can coordinate gift memberships.
baron at
Also if you are interested in donating personally to the SCA, and have Amazon Prime, you can set up a donation to the SCA through your Amazon account. Go to and use your regular Amazon Login go to You account and in Other Programs you can designate your charity – Society for Creative Anachronism Inc. You will need to do your shopping on Smile.Amazon in order to generate charitable gifts, but this is another easy way to help out our wonderful organization.
Baron Brandubh