From the Office of the Kingdom Seneschal

Please heed the words of Master Illadore:

Greetings my beloved Æthelmearc!

I am so delighted that Æthelmearc is reopening! I want to caution; however, this pandemic is not over. Hopefully, we are at the beginning of the end.

So – as many have seen, the Board of Directors have lifted some but not all requirements put in place, starting in July. Of note – Æthelmearc has some additional requirements. It is our plan to follow both the letter and intent of the BOD’s policies and CDC guidelines – as the Kingdom Seneschalate is somewhat risk averse. Of note – we must follow state and local laws and policies if they are stricter than the BOD’s or Æthelmearc’s rules.

Let’s go over the specifics:

As of July 1, 2021:

Masks: Many of us have had to go back to work and navigate to mask or not to mask. It is a tricky subject. We (Their Majesties, the Deputy Kingdom Seneschal for Pandemics, and myself) have made our decision on masks based on our risk calculus and what my own workplace is doing –

First and foremost, we want to navigate how we proceed with thoughtfulness and kindness. Therefore – we will not ask anyone’s vaccination status. This is also from the Board of Directors. (If you want to volunteer that information to others, that is up to you.) (Venues and homeowners can ask about vaccination status but that is on them to collect and verify.) We also should not ask anyone why they are wearing a mask – folks can have many reasons for wearing them, other than their vaccination status. Again, we want to be thoughtful and kind.

Æthelmearc will also be following CDC guidelines – therefore – as of July 1, 2021 – if a participant in Æthelmearc is fully vaccinated, they do not have to wear a mask. at events, practices, or gatherings. This also means that if someone is not fully vaccinated, they do have to wear a mask (unless they are under two years old) at events, practices, and gatherings. Also – to clarify – if someone previously had COVID, but is not fully vaccinated, they must also wear a mask.

Everyone in Æthelmearc is on their honor to wear their masks if they are not vaccinated. We expect all of Æthelmearc to follow these guidelines as the SCA has always valued honesty, courtesy, honor, and chivalry.

Event size: We can have events of any size. Pre-registration is still required. (Any practice or gathering over 25 still needs pre-registration, otherwise a sign-in sheet is fine.) This is in part, per the Society Seneschal, to make sure we have a list of attendees in case local or state officials ask us for that information. The Webministry is working with branch Seneschals on developing easy online pre-registration forms and the Exchequer’s office is working towards using the SCA’s online payment system, SCARS. Any SCARS questions, please contact The Honorable Noble Rhys at

Overnight events: Yes, you can have them.

Food: No feasts. The SCA cannot provide food served buffet style or family style. No branch sponsored pot lucks either. Individuals may do so at their own risk. Boxed lunches however are okay. Please contact me if you have other ideas for food at events and we can talk it out.

Water: Providing water in a large water cooler is okay — but everyone must use their own drinking container or the SCA can buy paper cups. No exceptions. No more water jugs with straws. The SCA and its branches can provide individual bottled water. We also recommend a recycling plan for those bottles.

Demos: We are still looking into demos right now and what that looks like for Æthelmearc. More information on that soon.

Reminder – all of this starts July 1st, 2021. Until then, the previous BOD guidelines apply.

Royal events – August Crown tourney is on and has no event size caps! Please see this month’s announcement in the Æstel. Coronation will hopefully be in September- and will be determined by the Heirs. We will be putting in an official variance request for that event with the Society Seneschal but have already received a go ahead. October Crown details are still being worked on.

In January 2022 – we will be going back to our normal Kingdom Event Rotation. If your branch is interested in hosting a royal event, please check out that rotation on our website.

I know this has been a trying time for all of us but I am happy we are coming back together. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Illadore de Bedegrayne
Kingdom Seneschal