As a followup to my previous post, I am still seeking letters of intent for the office of Comet Pursuivant, Baronial Herald. To this date I have received none. Please send your letters of intent to myself at “herald at” and Odrianna, the Baronial Seneschal at “seneschal at” or hand deliver them at the Officer’s meeting December 7 when the office changeover happens.
I will repost here the requirements for the office in case you missed them last time.
3)Running the official portion of the 6 barony meetings that we have each year.
4) Being the second ranking officer of the barony and part of the financial committee
5)Coordinating efforts towards heraldic education and preparing your successor
6) Maintaining the Baronial OP (this also does not need to be personally done by Comet, a deputy could be placed in charge of this, and will require coordination with the Webminister to continue doing it)