Don’t forget, Æ thelmearc’s Virtual Æ cademy and War College is this Saturday! Here’s the schedule and Zoom login info. Take a look!
The Virtual Æcademy class schedule for Saturday is live on the Kingdom A&S Website:
There are TWO sheets! The class schedule on the opening page and the description of the classes on the next sheet. Also there are EIGHT breakout class rooms, so use those horizontal and vertical scrollbars!
The zoom info for the event is:
Topic: 2021 Fall Æcademy and War College
Time: Dec 11, 2021 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 4258 5365
Passcode: 123456
One tap mobile+19292056099,,88342585365# US (New York)+13126266799,,88342585365# US (Chicago)