Hello Debatable Lands and Neighbors! Salve Accolens!
We (Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda) are so excited for Agincourt tomorrow, Oct 28th! So many amazing activities – archery (of course), fencing (with a Garnet and Steel Invite coin!), heavy fighting (tavern BRAWWWLL and more), a *very* cool A&S display, dancing, mask-making, the Kingdom Thrown Weapons Championship, food food food, and more!
Event announcement here. And Facebook event (for those that partake) here.
But it’s a bittersweet sort of excited for us, because it’s our very last full event as your Baron and Baroness. If you’re on the fence about attending, we’d humbly like to request that you do come – we’d like our last full event in our Office to be something to remember, with as many of our beloved people around us and enjoying the Barony’s festivities as possible! There may be tears (the Baroness is a softie), but there will be guaranteed fun, camaraderie and lots of laughs!
And in honor of both the Agincourt theme of the event, and the penultimate event of our tenure, we have something special in mind for our last full Court – we’re having it ALL DAY LONG! Yup, we will be having a roaming Campaign Court, doing pieces of business all day on the various Fields (and Rooms) of Honor, just like (we assume) Henry V of England and the French army did!!
Be prepared to declare your affinity – English or French! Tallies are afoot! If you see us “on Campaign”, come join our retinue, bring your voices and instruments to hum the Agincourt Carol or the Baronial Fight Song! Let’s have a blast!
See you there!
In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers,
Baroness Hilda and Baron Brandubh
P.S.: Does anyone have like, a LOT of kazoos we can borrow??