From the Baronial Largesse Coordinator:
Greetings, dear Barony!
Summer will soon be upon us and we are beginning to gather (safely) once again! We have several very special events taking place in the coming weeks, including the Endless Hills Investiture on May 28th, at which we will be celebrating our gracious neighbors and their good peoples. We also have our Barony’s own special events happening soon, at which we may likely be welcoming many newcomers!
Thusly, we would greatly appreciate any gifts of largesse you might wish to share with our Kingdom and populace. Please aid us in filling our Baronial coffers with fun and useful Things for the populace!
Should you have items to gift, I hope to be attending War Practice on Saturday, and I also hope to be at archery practice on Washington Blvd on the 28th, should weather and schedules align. Alternately, you can also arrange to get them directly to Their Excellencies. 🙂
This picture of largesse was taken by Her Majesty, Queen Ariella, of items received from BMDL by Their Majesties at their Coronation in April, as well as a box of beautiful beaded bracelets from our friends in the Barony of Rhydderech Hael. Often, I think people believe their contributions of one or two items to be too small to be of value… but oh, what a wonderful thank-you they make to those who receive them!
A list of possible ideas is below. As always, we thank you for your time, efforts, and creativity!! 🙂
Yours in service,
Rose O’Tierney
A (totally not complete) idea list of possible largesse items:
Items made with fragrances must be bagged and labeled. No food items, please!
Paper goods:Handmade paper. Parchment and pergamenata sheets, Thank you/appreciation cards (illuminated or blank), Mini notebooks, Bookmarks, Card-weaving cards, How-to crafting books for period items
Metal, wire-weaving, and woodworking: Raw materials and things to work them (wire, metal ingots, stones, tools, etc.), Beads, Tokens, Coins, Bracelets, Rings, Pendants, Brooches (big or small, penannular, turtle, etc.), Pins – decorative or purposeful (a bit of cork placed on sharp ends), Veil pins (a bit of cork placed on sharp ends), Buttons (metal or wood), Mug jewelry (IDs), Weaving shuttles, naalbinding needles
Sewing/fiber arts: Yarn of all types and appropriate colors, Trim for mugs (IDs), Mug covers, napkins, Fibers and fabrics, Wool needle books, Pouches & small bags, Kumihimo disks, Naalbinding needles, Fan cases, Ribbon bookmarks, Cloth buttons, Pin cushions, Archery tassles for cleaning arrows, Mini sewing kits for adults (emergency needle/thread/pins, or a kit to make a special item such as a veil), Sewing kits for children (such as embroidery hoop with yarn/needle/cloth with pattern to make a cup cover), Dolls or stuffed animals (for children), Period gaming sets (for children)
Fighting/fencing/archery: Duct tape, Leather washers/grommets, Chicago screws, Leather strapping, Bees wax, Fletch tape, Fletching, Hot melt glue, Arrow tips, Nocks, Shafts. Ready-to-go arrows, Bracers, Quivers
Misc skills: Candles, Handmade beads (clay, glass, wood, etc.), Clay tokens, Wooden toys, games (for children), Wooden award medallions, Painted wooden boxes.
Feast kit items – mugs, plates, silverware, napkins