The Sylvan Strand Nominees have been announced, and the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands brought home much glory.
Congratulations to Kameshima-kyo Zentarou Umakai, our Webminister; Lady Elizabeth the Hunter, Webminister for the office of Earl Marshal; and to Maighstir Kieran MacRae for being recognized for their hard work!
Here is the list:
Published February 26, 2018
The following websites and people are recognized as the Sylvan Strand Nominees for the William Blackfox Web Awards, as announced in Court at the College of Three Ravens:
Best Overall Website
Winner: Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Kameshima Zentarou Umakai, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Barony of Endless Hills, Dono Leo-San, Webminister
Best Appearance
Winner: Shire of Coppertree – Lady Aerin Wen, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Dominion of Myrkfaelinn – Lord Robert of Ferness, Webminister
Best Organization
Winner: Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Kameshima Zentarou Umakai, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Shire of Sylvan Glen, Lady Umm Samin Bint Asad Al-Isfahaniyya, Webminister
Best Use of Technology
Winner: Authorization Clerk, Mistress Maria Christina de Cordoba, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Earl Marshal, Lady Elizabeth the Huntress, Webminister
Best Artwork
Winner: Shire of Nithgaard, Graphic by Lady Avitoria Vidua
Honorable Mention: Signet, Banner Graphic by Master Kieran MacRae and Background Graphic by THLady Fiora d’Artusio
Best Special Interest Website
Winner: AE Rapier – Lord Simon Caminante, Webminsiter
Honorable Mention: Brewers Guild – THL Madoc Arundel, Webminister
Best Regular Feature
Winner: Barony of Delftwood, Lord Sabastian Mora, Webminister
Honorable Mention:
Best Content
Winner: Barony of Delftwood, Lord Sabastian Mora, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Kameshima Zentarou Umakai, Webminister
Best Blog
Winner: Barony of the Rhyderrich Hael, Baron Magnus de Lyons and Baroness Miriel du Lac –