Your New Champions!

Hello Debatable Lands!

Yesterday, we held our non-equestrian martial Championships at the Iron Comet Challenge. It was a day of valor, honor, prowess, and friendship. We are proud and humbled to have witnessed such passion and companionship. And most of all, fun!

There will be more news and thank yous and stories from the event staff and others, but without further ado, let us present to you Your New Champions!

Rapier Fighting: THL Ru Cavorst, seconded by Lady Ciarrdha Eilis

Youth Archery: Otto Brandulfrsson

Archery: Lord Alister Sionnach MacLeod, seconded by Lord Godfrey de Bayeux

Heavy Fighting: Lord Robert MacEwin, seconded by THL Guillaume le Noir

Thrown Weapons: Lord Thomas of the Debatable Lands, seconded by Lady Dorothea Starke Schutz

Youth Fighting: Fox


In Levitate et Caritate, and Cheers
Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilda