Court report for Pennsic 47

Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant! Here is the overdue court report of Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilderun, for Pennsic 47, August 5th, AS 53.
Their Excellencies welcomed all in attendance and bade them seek their comfort.
First, Their Excellencies recognized Lord Alistair MacLeod as one of only five archers who finished the Known World Baronial Archery Champions Shoot.
With many Baronial Champions tournaments being held in the coming days, Their Excellencies wished to announce each one and the representatives from the Debatable Lands participating.
-On Tuesday at 12:30, Fox, Adam, and Xavier will participate as D2, D1, and D3 champions in the Known World Baronial Youth Tournament  at the youth field.
-On Tuesday at 1:00, Lord Thomas of the Debatable Lands will represent the BMDL as its champion in the Known World Baronial Thrown Weapons Tournament.
-On Wednesday at 9:00, Lord Robert MacEwin will represent the BMDL as its champion in the Known World Heavy Weapons Baronial Champion Tournament.
-On Wednesday at noon, THL Ru Cavorst will represent the BMDL as its champion in the Known World Baronial Rapiers Champion Tournament.
Their Excellencies invited Comtesse Elena d’Artois for Academy of Defense business. (Any more details needed?)
Ihtiaziz bint al-Gani was called forward to be recognized by Their Excellencies for her scribal work, and was awarded a silver comet. Scroll by Nichola Beene.
Their Excellencies bade Yungerz approach them to award him a gold comet for being the mastermind of two appearances by the BMDL in Pittsburgh’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. Scroll illuminated by Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Ceindrich verch Elidir. 
Lord Alistair MacLeod was called back before Their Excellencies, along with Lady Arthes MacLeod. Their skills on the archery range have become known throughout the Debatable Lands, so they were both awarded an iron comet. Matching scrolls illuminated by Edana the Red, calligraphy by Arianna Wynthrope.
Their Excellencies invited Brehynes Gwendolyn the Graceful to come before them and be recognized for her service as social media deputy, and was given a gold comet. Scroll by Ihtiaziz bint al-Gani.
Their Excellencies called upon Mistress Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi to join them, so that they could recall the many, many ways she has served the barony over many years, and how she continues to serve and make a positive impact on the barony and its members. Their Excellencies then called those members of the Order of Copernicus to come forward and witness as Mistress Ts’vee’a was inducted as a fellow member. Scroll illuminated by Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Ceindrich verch Elidir.
Their Excellencies asked all those who ran the half marathon to please stand and be recognized and appreciated for their feat.
Their Excellencies then asked all of those who answered the call to guard the kingdom gate at the last minute and be recognized: THL Rufina Saavedra (and Grendl), Master Alaric MacConnel, THL Marjorie of Kent, Lady Ceindrich verch Elidir, and Master Dani of the Seven Wells.
Lady Kattera and her staff were asked by Their Excellencies to come forward and be recognized and appreciated for putting together the Baronial Dinner.
His Excellency reminded the populace about the Pennsic Thrown Weapons and Archery teams, that those who are interested in trying out for those teams would need to do so no later than Monday at 5:30.
Their Excellencies called forward all scribes and wordsmiths who contributed to scrolls that went out during court to be recognized and receive a token from Her Excellency.
Her Excellency invided all who wish to display Baronial insignia upon the field of honor to see Their Excellencies immediately after court to receive a Baronial baldric.
The populace was reminded by Their Excellencies about the Debatable Choir’s concert performance and ii Genesii’s performance on Monday evening, both at the Performing Arts tent.


Court seconded by Nichola Beese.

Submitted by Kieran MacRae.

Court Report of Their Excellencies for Iron Comet

Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant! Here is the court report of Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilderun for Iron Comet, held on June 23, AS 53.

Their Excellencies welcomed everyone and begged them to seek their comfort.
Her Excellency requested the presence of THL Guillaume le Noir and Master Janos Mezaros to be recognized for their display of courtesy throughout the day. Each received a token from Her Excellency.
Their Excellencies called the co-autocrats of today’s event, THL Jorundr hinn Rotin and Lady Nicola Beese, to recognize the hard-working members of their staff that helped make everything possible this day.

Their Excellencies invited those gentles who competed in every martial form to come forward and be recognized for their honorable feat. A record four gentles fit that category this year, including three youth participants in the youth categories. The overall winner for the youth division was Carl MacBranduibh, scroll by THL Rachel Daliceaux, and the overall winner for the adult division was Lord Robert MacEwin, scroll by Maighster Kieran MacRae.

Their Excellencies next invited Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope to approach them and be recognized as being Baroness Hilda’s inspiration of the day. Her efforts were many, including working with the youth fighters, MOLing the heavy weapons tournament on short notice, and working on scrolls. Her Excellency presented her with a token.

As there were numerous tournaments throughout the day, Their Excellencies were proud to announce the winners of said tournaments and new Baronial champions and seconds!

Their Excellencies thanked Treygor Greypanther and Sir Maghnus an Chnoic na n’Iora for their service as Baronial Heavy Weapons Champion and second, and announced Lord Robert MacEwin as their new heavy weapons champion, with THL Guillaume as his second. Scroll by Mistress Arianna. Regalia was transferred.

Their Excellencies thanked THL Jorundr for his service as Baronial Fencing Champion, and announced Ru Cavorst as their new fencing champion, with Lady Cairrdha Eilis as his second. Scroll illuminated by Lady Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Lady Ceindrich verch Elidir. Regalia was transferred. Then more regalia was transferred.  Their Excellencies admitted there was a whole lotta regalia for Their fencing champion.
Their Excellencies thanked Lord Ronin O’ Conall  for his service as Baronial Archery Champion, and announced Lord Alister Sionnach MacLeod as their new archery champion, with Godfrey de Baueux as his second.  Scroll illuminated by Lady Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Lady Ceindrich verch Elidir. Regalia was transferred.
Their Excellencies thanked THL Senada Roku’i Kenshin no Kuma for his service as Barionial Thrown Weapons Champion, and announced Lord Thomas of the Debatable Lands as their new thrown weapons champion, with Lady Dorothea Stark Shultz as his second. Scroll by Lady Rivka. Regalia was transferred.
With no current champion to thank, Their Excellencies were proud to announce Fox of Clan Tarn of the Tuchux as their Baronial Youth Fighting Champion. Scroll by the Wynthrope apprentices. Regalia was transferred.
Their Excellencies thanked Carl mac Branduibh for his service as Baronial Youth Archery Champion, and announced Otto Brandulfrsson as their new youth archery champion. Scroll by Mistress Arianna. Regalia was transferred.
All new champions being named, Their Excellencies called Lord Robert Maintenon before them to recognize his devoted service to the barony, and awarded him a gold comet. Scroll illuminated by Crystal of the Debatable Lands, calligraphed by Kameshima-kyo Zentaro Umakai, and wordsmithed by THL Isabel Fleuritan.
Their Excellencies then sneakily called Lady Rivka bat Daniyel before them to extol the virtues of her illumination skills on scrolls for both barony and kingdom, and was awarded a silver comet. Scroll wording by His Excellency, calligraphy and illumination by Lady Nichola Beese.
Their Excellencies requested all scribes and wordsmiths who contributed to the scrolls that went out today to stand and be recognized.
An announcement for a special change in location and time for our martial practice was made.
There being no further business, the Court of Their Excellencies was thereby closed.
Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant.

Court report for Known World Heralds & Scribes Symposium

Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant! Here is the court report of Baron Brandubh and Baroness Hilderun, at KWHSS, held on June 9, AS 53

Their Excellencies thanked everyone for their attendance, and then invited the autocrats, Master Alaric MacConnel and THL Raven Whitehart to come forward and acknowledge those who helped put this amazing event together.

Their Excellencies gave way for the procession of Tsaritsa Ian’ka of Atenvelt to join them on the dias.

A moment of silence was requested for Master Taliesin, Sea Panther herald of Trimaris, who had passed away eariler that week.

Their Excellencies invited Master Malcolm Bowmann to come forward to announce the induction of the newest Herald Extraordinaire of the Society, Baron Yehuda ben Mosha.

Her Excellency then made a point to recognize all the collected scribes of the Known World, as there are many who do not receive just recognition.

His Excellency followed by recognizing all the collected heralds of the Known World.

Dame Julianna de Luna was invited to come before Their Excellencies. It was noted how wonderful it was that she, originally a resident of the BMDL, had the opportunity to return to the Debatable Lands as Laurel Herald of the Society. For her tireless work she was awarded a Comettus Amicus. Scroll by Rivka bat Daniyel (illumination) and Ceindrich verch Elidir (calligraphy).

Dame Alys MacYntoich was next called before Their Excellencies, and also received a Comettus Amicus for society-level service to the heralding community. Scroll by Rivka bat Daniyel (illumination) and Ceindrich verch Elidir (calligraphy).

Their Excellencies invited Master Cormac Mor to come before them and join Dame Julianna and Dame Alys in receiving a Comettus Amicus, also for society-level service to the heralding community. Scroll by Rivka bat Daniyel (illumination) and Ceindrich verch Elidir (calligraphy).

Their Excellencies then reminded everyone to attend the performances of the Debatable Choir, followed by ii Genesii, which begin at 8:30.

There being no further business, the Court of Their Excellencies was closed.

Report submitted by Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant


Court report for Tavern in the Park

Here begins the court report for Tavern in the Park, on February 10, AS 52.

His Excellency Brandubh, after trying out his best “Hel-loooooooooooo, Debatable Lands!”,  thanked everyone for attending this little event, and explained that Her Excellency Hilderun was out of town and sends her greetings and well wishes for all to have a wonderful time.

His Excellency invited THL Elss Ausberg to give thanks and recognition for those who helped organize the event’s activities, noting that every person was trying a new thing for the first time.

His Excellency then wished to acknowledge those scribes who entered the day’s A&S competition, creating a scroll blank inspired by the personae of Their Excellencies. Entrants included: Lady Nichola Beese, Katrina Beese, Lady Aibell ingen Chernachain, THL Lucetta di Cosimo, and Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope. The following winners were announced:

Katrina, Youth division; THL Lucetta, Novice division; Mistress Arianna, advanced division.

Baron Brandubh offered additional thanks and encouraged everyone to continue to enjoy their evening.

There being no further business, the Court of Their Excellencies was closed.

Submitted by Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant.

Court Report for BMDL Twelfthnight

Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant!

Here beings the court report of Brandubh and Hilderun, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at BMDL Twelfthnight, January 13, AS 52.
Their Excellencies bid everybody welcome to another Twelfthnight, and appreciated the populace’s attendance for the unusual afternoon court.
The Royal Livery Company was invited to come before Their Excellencies to be recognized for their skills and achievements in “Death From Above!” at War Practice and Pennsic. For this the Company was awarded an Iron Comet. Scroll by Lady Alysoun of the Debatable Lands, with words by His Excellency Brandubh.
Their Excellencies called forth Master Emrys Eustace called Broom and praised his organizational service to the Baronial encampment at Pennsic, and awarded him a Gold Comet. Scroll illumination by Lady Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Lady Ceindrech verch Elidir.
Their Excellencies called Traygor Greypanther to approach them, but he was not in attendance.
Their Excellencies then called Jasmine of Clan Tarn to approach them, and presented her with a Gold Comet for her service as new youth marshal and her efforts to the youth fighting community. Scroll by Nicola Beese.
Their Excellencies called Raven Whitehart before them to thank her for her service to the BMDL by teaching classes, creating beautiful scrolls, and general helpfulness. They awarded her a Comettus Amicus in recognition, and made her a friend of the Barony. Scroll by Mistress Antoinette de la Croix.
Maighster Uilliam mac an t’Saoir was instructed to approach Their Excellencies, who recalled his feats of prowess on the fields of battle, both as army commander and in the single lysts. He was thusly awarded an Iron Comet, with scroll by Lady  Ceindrech verch Elidir.
Their Excellencies invited Sumayya al Ghaziyah to approach them, and recounted all that she has done for the Barony: Chronicler, A&S coordinator for the St. Crispins A&S competition, coordinator for kingdom largess, and leatherworker’s guild mistress. For all this, she was awarded a Gold Comet. Scroll forthcoming by Lady Rivka bat Daniyel.
Sile inghean Chein was next called before Their Excellencies, and they proclaimed how impressed they were to see her have tried nearly all martial forms in the Barony, including heavy weapons, combat archery, equestrian, traditional archery, and thrown weapons. They presented her with an Iron Comet for such deeds. Scroll wording and illumination by Master Alaric MacConnal, calligraphy by THL Rachel Daliceaux.
Their Excellencies then desired to see Gesa von Wellenstein before them. They pointed out the previous equestrian activities in the BMDL- none. For starting the equestrian activities in our Barony she was awarded a Gold Comet. Scroll illuminated by Meesteres Odriana vander Brugghe and calligraphy by Maighster Kieran MacRae.
His Excellency proclaimed that his cup was empty, and called THL Madoc Arundel to be brought from the bar downstairs to address this issue.
Rachel Daliceaux was then called before Their Excellencies, much to her confusion, and proclaimed the challenges of planning to recognize their Baronial Signet when she was still in the room for court prep! But for Rachel’s beautiful voice and scribal skills, she was awarded a Silver Comet. Scroll words and illumination by Master Alaric MacConnal, calligraphy by Lady Ceindrich verch Elidir.
Once Madoc Arundel surfaced to the gathered populace, Their Excellencies called him forward, not just to fill their glasses, but to praise him for his dedication in bringing such fine ales and spirits (and means of serving them!) year after year to the Barony’s Twelfthnight celebration, and awarded him a Comettus Amicus, making him a friend of the Barony for such deeds. Scroll illuminated by Meesteres Odriana vander Brugghe, calligraphy by Maighster Kieran MacRae.
Their Excellencies called all scribes and wordsmiths who contributed to the scrolls that went out this day to attend them, that they may receive tokens of appreciation.
Just before the Court of Their Excellencies was to be suspended, members of I Genesii approached and went on about some kind of ‘magic trick’, about some kind of ‘disappearing’, which sounded most suspicious. A sheet was raised in front of Their Excellencies, incantations were uttered, and somehow Their Excellencies Uilliam and Constance were sitting on the thrones, replacing Brandubh and Hilderun!! Apparently this was not according to plans, and the sheet was once again raised, more babbling happened, and when the sheet lowered, there were… was I hallucinating??… Lord Robert MacEwan of Thornhill and Lady Alethea Cowle??… In the seats of Their Excellencies?… as Lord and Lady of Misrule?!? Feeling faint, I quickly suspended this Court of Their Excellencies before I lost control of any more of my senses.
In the evening Their Majesties Gareth and Juliana gave leave to re-open the Court of Their Excellencies.
Their Excellencies called forth current Bardic Champion, THL Silence de Cherbourg, regarding the afternoon’s Baronial Bardic Competition. Silence called forth the two finalists, THL Pavel Dudoladov and Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope, and announced Arianna the winner and new Bardic champion, with Pavel to serve as second at the next Seven Pearls event. Award scroll began by an unknown scribe, illumination finished by Mistress Arianna, and calligraphy by THL Rachel Daliceaux.
Their Excellencies then called forth their current A&S Champion, Lady Bugga Bilibit, to report on the day’s Baronial A&S competition. The entries were wondrous all around this year, and the two finalists called forward were Mistress Fredeburg von Katzenellenbogen and THL Lucetta di Cosima, and announced Fredeberg the winner, and Lucetta to serve as second at the next Seven Pearls event. Scroll by Lady Alysoun of the Debatable Lands.
There being no further business, the Court of Their Excellencies was closed.
Report submitted by Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant.

Court Report Equestrian Championship

The Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Brandubh et Hilderun, Baron and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Court held at Equestrian Practice on the 24th day of November anno societatis 52.

Their Excellencies thanked Their Equestrian Marshal Lady Gesa von Wellenstein for organizing the day and riders, her grounds crew, and all the riders: Leah of the Debatable Lands who rode Daisy, Lady Beatrix of Aglesey who rode Maple, Emma who rode Remmy, Jackie who rode Daisy, THLord Kumagaya Kentarou Masamoto ho rode Maple, and Viscount Alexander Caithnes of Wyk who rode Taco, and presented each with a ribbon for participating in the first Debatable Lands Equestrian Championship.

Brandubh and Hilderun then recognized Leah of the Debatable Lands for coming in Third place and presented her with a woven belt favor made by Lady Beatrix of Anglesey.  There was tie for second place and Their Excellencies gave woven favors by Lady Beatrix of Anglesey to Emma and Jackie for their accomplishments.

His Lordship Kumagaya Kentarou Masamoto was then called forth and named the victor as he had won the tournament by points, and Their Excellencies invited him to stand as Their Premier Equestrian Champion, presenting him with the Champion’s Belt Favor made by Lady Gesa von Wellenstein, a carrot for his winning steed Maple, and a scroll by the hand of THLady Rachel Dalicieux.

Court closed.

BMDL Court report for Agincourt

Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant!

Here begins the report of the court of Brandubh et Hildarun, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at Agincourt, occurring on Saturday, September 23, AS LII, Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant, reporting.

Their Excellencies presented a gift basket of largess, made by the hands of the good artisans of the BMDL, to Their Majesties Gareth and Juliana, to be used during their reign.

Lord Markus Skalpr Grimson was called to announce the winners of the Pokerhand fencing tournament, and Mistress Gabrielle de Winter and Lady Ragna Haakonardottir were congratulated for their victories. For the Bar Room Brawl tournament, Countess Elena d’Artois, Don Jacob Martinson, and Nicole Coldren were recognized as victors.

Master Morien McBain was called forward to announce the winners of the heavy weapons melee bout between, appropriately, the English and French forces. Though the English forces prevailed on the field, their leader, Earl Thomas Byron of Haverford was unable to stay to receive the spoils of the accomplishment. Earl Byron had given instructions to have his noble counterpart, Sir Ulrich von Schwartzburg, receive the prizes for victory.

Lord Takematsu Gentarou Yoshitaka was brought forward to announce the winners of the archery tournament. Lord Alrekr Berghosen and Lord Ronan O’Connill were recognized as winners.

Their Excellencies thanked THL Sumayya al Ghaziya for running a most excellent St. Crispin’s A&S competition. Lady Rivka bat Daniyel won the novice division and THL Luceta di Cosimo won both the journeyman division as well as being announced the St. Crispin’s champion.

Their Excellencies thanked Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr for her work as the event’s autocrat and invited her to recognize others who helped put the event together to make it so magnificent.

Their Excellencies asked Raven Whitehart to come before them to thank her for her support of the Barony, teaching jewelry making at A&S nights, working at troll, and contributing beautiful scrolls for the Barony as a scribe. She was awarded a Comettus Amicus, the scroll a work in progress by Mistress Antoinette de la Croix.

Young Katrina Bease was invited before Their Excellencies to be recognized for her hard work training as a youth fighter and involvement in various A&S activities, and was presented a purple comet. Scroll by her proud mother, Nichola Bease.

Their Excellencies called Fox to present himself to be recognized for his skill and prowess as a youth fighter, winning the AEthelmearc division 2 champion tournament, as well as the Pennsic Known World baronial youth championship. Fox was given a purple comet, scroll by Lady Edana the Red.

Their Excellencies called forth Nichola Bease and thanked her for creating such lovely scrolls to recognize residents of the Barony, and awarded her a silver comet. Scroll by Mistress Graidnhe ni Rua.

Their Excellencies asked that all scribes and wordsmiths who contributed to scrolls that were distributed to rise and be recognized.

There being no further business, the court of Their Excellencies was closed.


BMDL Court report for Pennsic 46

Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant!

Here begins the report of the court of Brandubh et Hildarun, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at Pennsic 46, occurring on Monday, August 7, AS LII. Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant, reporting.

Their Excellencies called forth Master Eustice called ‘Broom’ in acknowledgement of his service as BMDL camp coordinator, and so that he may recognize the help of others that were making camping with the BMDL a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Their Excellencies wished to recognize the seven archers of the BMDL that made it onto the Champions team of 20 to compete for the Archery War Point.

Their Excellencies encouraged all to try their hand at the thrown weapons range to try out for the Thrown Weapons Champions team, occurring Thursday.

All those who participated in the Pennsic Half Marathon were invited to be recognized for their effort and training in taking on this challenging feat.

Their Excellencies called before them Fox, current AEthelmearch youth fighting champion, commended him for his martial prowess, and invited him to represent the BMDL as their Youth Champion, for the Known World Youth Champions tourney.

Their Excellencies called into their presence Master William de Montegilt, but his presence was alas elsewhere.

They then called to see Cheng Tai Ren, but he too, at the time, was unseen.

When Their Excellencies called Elsa Taliard before them, they were most pleased when she presented herself so that she could be recognized for working at events and contributing to gift baskets, though not being a resident of the BMDL. She was therefore presented with a comettus amicus (nee Green Comet). Scroll by Alysoun of the Debatable Lands.

Their Excellencies called both Renata Rouge and Antonio de Luna to their presence. When it was learned that Antonio would not be available, THL Renata agreed to accept both accolades to be given, namely that both Renata and Antonio have been most helpful in helping with Pennsic set-up, general camp maintenance, and willingness to assist with camp tear-down, and therefore each was gladly awarded a comettus amicus. Both scrolls by: Alaric Macconnel, illumination; Rachel Daliceaux, calligraphy.

Zianna Beguy Urdina de Sabaleta was brought before Their Excellencies and praised for her work at troll, cooking marvelous subtlties, and was presented a gold comet for her dedicated service. Scroll by: Dorothea Stark Shultz, illumnation; Rachel Daliceaux, calligraphy.

Their Excellencies requested Dorothea Stark Shultz come from behind their thrones to in front of them, so they could extol her efforts as a retainer and help with court set-up. She was given a gold comet for such service, scroll by: Rivka bat Daniyel, illumination; Ceindrich verch Elidir, calligraphy.

Their Excellencies, feeling that they were on a roll, then called for Alysoun of the Debatable Lands. Twice. She wasn’t there.

Spirits were lifted, though, when Ceindrich verch Elidir came before Their Excellencies to receive a silver comet for her scribal works, her lovely voice as a member of the Debatable Choir, and really cool socks. Scroll by: Calligraphy and illumination by Rachel Daliceaux, words and sung to the tune of Mairi’s Wedding by Baroness Gwendolen the Graceful.

Their Excellencies called forth Lucetta di Cosimo, acknowledged her great service with regards to the fiber guild, I Genisii, and creating unique archery targets, and presented her with a gold comet. Scroll by Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope.

Their Excellencies called Katheryn Tantzel to their presence, and awarded her a silver comet for her beautiful scribal work (especially with burning wood) and her theatrical work with I Genisii. Scroll by Baroness Alex di Campignella.

Their Excellencies then called Kattera Doplerin to be recognized with her work as a retainer, cook, and help with the BMDL Pennsic meal plan, and was thusly awarded a gold comet. Scroll by: Rivka bat Daniyel, illumination; Ceindrich verch Elidir, calligraphy.

Elenora Pexatore was summoned, and gladly she approached, so that Their Excellencies could boast about her good service in opening Victory Point for Pennsic A&S classes, and her assistance with the BMDL Pennsic meal plan. She was awarded a gold comet in recognition, scroll by: Nikola Beese, illumination; Gwendolyn the Graceful, wording; Ceindrich verch Elidir, calligraphy.

Their Excellencies then called Jorundr hinn Rotinn to come from behind their thrones and be met with the recognition of his fencing skills, his duties as a fencing marshal, and prowess as BMDL fencing champion; thus they awarded him an iron comet, scroll by Nikola Beese, her first attempt at an entire scroll.

Their Excellencies then called forth the Order of Copernicus, and noting that the Order only grows by one each year, sought to recognize one who exemplified what the Order represents. Meestress Odriana vander Brugghe was brought before Their Excellencies and praised for her years of service to the BMDL, which have included, but not being limited to, multiple baronial offices held, autocrat, head cook, scribe, and opening her house for numerous purposes to share, teach, and inspire those who wish to learn and grow. Scroll by Kieran MacRae.

Their Excellencies asked all scribes and wordsmiths to come forward to be presented with a token of appreciation in memory of Countess Aidan.

There being no further actionable business, after thoroughly looking across the populace, the Court of Their Excellencies was suspended….

….and minutes later Alysoun of the Debatable Lands returned from her travels, prompting a reopening of the Court of Their Excellencies, which they did gladly, to recognize Alysoun for her beautiful singing voice and directing skills with the Debatable Choir, along with her impressive scribal skills, and so awarded her a silver comet. Scroll by Antoinette de la Croix. Thus re-suspended the Court of Their Excellences…

…until Master William de Montigilt entered the area, and thus re-reopened the Court of Their Excellencies. Master William was praised for his bardic skill and contributions, and was presented with the scroll for his silver comet, which had been read into the official record at BMDL 12th night, AS 51. And there being no further missing citizens of interest, alas, the Court of Their Excellencies was suspended, again….

….and upon the return of Cheng Tai Ren, our faithful Comet Pursuivant set down his plate of yummy food and, with a joyous sense of duty, re-re-(counts on fingers to check)-RE-opened the Court of Their Excellencies, made sure that Cheng didn’t get away, and called him before Their Excellencies, which to be honest, he already was. Their Excellencies praised him for his prowess with heavy weapons, in the lists and on the melee field. For such deeds he was presented with an iron comet, which was read into the record at War Practice, AS LII. The scroll is a work in progress: illumination by Rivka bat Daniyel, English poem by Gwendolyn the Graceful, translated to Chinese by Shaloma Smith.

Conferring with Their Excellencies, just to make sure, the Court of Their Excellenceis of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands for Pennsic 46 was….

Their Excellencies heartily encouraged all to attend the concert of the Debatable Choir, to occur at 7pm that evening in the A&S Performance Pavillion.

….officially closed.

Submitted by Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant

Court report from Champions’ Sunday

Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant,

I apologize for the prolonged delay in publishing this. Here is the court report from Sunday, May 28, 2017:

Here begins the report of the court of Brandubh et Hildarun, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at the Baronial Heavy Weapons and Fencing Champions Tournaments, Sunday, May 28, AS 52, Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant, reporting.

Their Excellencies wished to thank everyone who participated in today’s tournaments to determine who shall be BMDL Champion for Fencing and Heavy Weapons.
Their Excellencies called before them Drotinn Jorundr hinn rotinn and Lord Robert MacEwin of Thornhill before them. Jorundr was the winner and named champion, with Robert being named his second. Jorundr shall compete at the Seven Pearls Tournament in September representing the Barony. Prize scroll by Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope. Thanks were given to Lady Cairdha Eilis O’Coileain as outgoing champion.
Their Excellencies gave leave for Master Kieran MacRae as outgoing heavy weapons champion to call forth Traygor Greypanther of the Tuchux, winner and named new heavy weapons champion. Sir Maghnus an Chnoic na n’Iora was named second. Congratulations were given to Wulfgar Ronaldson of Sunderoak for coming in second. Prize scroll by Arianna.
Multitudes of well-deserved thanks followed for helping the tournaments go smoothly and the day more enjoyable:
-For MOL Staff Baroness Anna Eisenkopf, Lady Edena the Red, and Lady Alyssa von Stahlgeist.
-For the marshals: Lord Magnus Bastiano de Vigo for Fencing, and Count Isenwulf Thorolfssone and Master Jussi Laplein for heavy
-For Lady Zianna beguy urdina de Zabaleta for providing yummy refreshments!
-For Mistress Arianna and her combat scribe skills making scrolls come out of thin air.
Congratulations were given to Master William de Montegilt, on this the day of his 42nd anniversary of being authorized to fight on the field of heavy combat.
Their Excellencies reminded all to preregister for Pennsic, and that preregistering is a must in order to camp with the Barony. Online prereg ends Saturday, June 17, 2017.
There being no further business, this court of Their Excellencies was closed.
In service,
Kieran MacRae