The woodworking guild will have a shop day on Sunday, February 16th from 10am to 2pm at Ishiyama’s house. Our spring project this year is improving everybody’s Pennsic through the glory of seating. We will be researching and recreating period seating furniture that is appropriate for our personas.
Tag: project
New Target Stands
Last Sunday (08.25) and the Sunday before that (08.18), the woodworking guild responded to a call for assistance from the archers of the Barony. Master Alaric provided the lumber, hardware, and instructions, and the woodworking guild provided the labor to build three new target stands for the Barony.
An archery target stand, folded up and secured for travel and storage Two open archery target stands, with archery practice in the background.
These are of the same design that the Debatable Lands has been using for many years, but without the dings and arrowheads some of the older ones contain. Captain of Archers Kathryn Tantzel says that with these extra stands, archery practice can now set up both the adult range and the youth range at the same time!
Many thanks to Master Alaric for providing the materials and plans. Thanks to Elss, Pavel, Tofi, and Dave for participating in the construction.
What was “the banner stand project”?
Now it can be told! Last year after Pennsic, Baroness Hilda asked Ishiyama if he would make silk banners for the Barony to gift to the other Baronies of Æthelmearc as favors for the “7 Pearls Dinner” at this year’s Pennsic War. These banners would also need stands and support poles. The stands and poles were a perfect way to enlist the help of the Woodworking Guild.

The stands are made from 2×4 lumber, which keeps the costs down, but creates a little bit more work. Each is made from four identical legs and four identical cross-pieces, so mass-production of pieces sped the whole project along. Once you remove the support pole, the off-center hinge pin lets the stand fold flat for travel.
There are enough extra pieces left over that if you need one of these stands for your very own, just let the guild know and we can help you put one together.