Scriptorium is the monthly gathering of calligraphers, illuminators, wordsmiths, and anyone interested in taking up and learning more about these creative arts. We welcome all skill levels, from the most accomplished Laurels to those that have never picked up a pen or a brush. Become part of creating the atmosphere and visual splendor of the SCA!
This month, join us on Wednesday, June 15th, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Kameshima and Isabel’s house in the North Hills. (Our address is listed in the Dark Pages, or you can contact us at scriptorium at debatablelands dot org for more information.) Our topic for June will be Open Project and Small Group Workshop Night.
Bring your current assignment, or something that you’re currently learning, practicing or tinkering with. Lots of table space will be made available. Be careful if the recipient is a local scribe, though; we love looking over each other’s shoulders, and we wouldn’t want the surprise to be ruined! 🙂
Alternately, do you have something you’ve been curious about trying? Chances are someone in the local scribal community has already tried it! Send your requests to Kameshima at scriptorium at debatablelands dot org and we will do our best to try to arrange someone to work with you in a small-group scenario for some or all of the evening. Or if you don’t want to plan that far ahead, just show up and ask! We are a friendly bunch that love to share our knowledge and experience.
Please be aware, our house contains a cat, a dog, and an infant: medicate or otherwise prepare yourself as necessary.